Our Mission
We have held fast to our founding mission to transform healthcare with evidence for more than 30 years.
We believe that clinical and scientific evidence can improve the quality and value of healthcare. By delivering extraordinarily thorough, scrupulously researched reports and 24/7 support, we know we are making a positive impact on the health and wellness of countless individuals across this country.
Our clients — hospitals, healthcare systems, government agencies, health plans, and employers — trust us to be fiercely unbiased when analyzing new, emerging, and controversial technologies and practices. And they depend upon us to provide the best business solutions proven to enhance efficiencies, reduce cost, and reduce risk. This is what we come to work each day to do.

The Hayes Rating
The Industry Benchmark
Our proprietary Hayes Rating has become the industry’s benchmark and is aligned with the international GRADE (Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation)-based evidence evaluation system. Over the years, it has been proven that evidence-based, clinically sound processes improve both the quality and cost-effectiveness of healthcare delivery.
The Hayes Rating is used in evaluating medical technologies. In addition to other forms of available information, clients consider the Hayes Rating, and the contextual information contained in our reports, to expand their level of knowledge as they work to improve the quality and cost-effectiveness of healthcare delivery.
The proprietary Hayes Rating system was developed to reflect the strength and direction of the evidence regarding medical technologies (procedure, test, device, biologic, drug, intervention, process, or program) as they apply to specific clinical applications. This includes safety and efficacy, impact on health outcomes and patient management, indications for use, and patient selection criteria compared with the standard treatment/testing or other competing health technologies.

Hayes Rating B – Some proven benefit. The published evidence indicates that safety and impact on health outcomes are at least comparable to standard treatment/testing. However, there are outstanding questions regarding long-term safety and impact on health outcomes, clinical indications, contraindications, optimal treatment/testing parameters, and/or effects in different patient subpopulations. Drugs, biologics, and devices with a B rating have FDA approval, but not necessarily for the specific clinical application(s) under consideration.

Hayes Rating C – Potential but unproven benefit. Some published evidence suggests that safety and impact on health outcomes are at least comparable to standard treatment/testing. However, substantial uncertainty remains about safety and/or impact on health outcomes because of poor-quality studies, sparse data, conflicting study results, and/or other concerns.

Hayes Rating D1 – No proven benefit. Published evidence shows that the technology does not improve health outcomes or patient management for the reviewed application(s) or is unsafe.

Hayes Rating D2 – Insufficient evidence. There is insufficient published evidence to assess the safety and/or impact on health outcomes or patient management.
How We Help You
Our focus on evidence-based assessments of health technologies underlies all aspects of our research and consulting activities. We evaluate a wide range of medical technologies and clinical programs to determine their impact on patient safety, health outcomes, resource utilization, and return on investment. We also help our clients integrate evidence into their processes and decisions.
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