Health Technology Assessments

Health Technology Assessments (HTAs) are a comprehensive systematic review and critical analysis of available evidence for A SINGLE medical technology for which there are several published clinical trials and a substantial body of evidence. This report details an entire technology class for which there are one or more indications or patient populations in use.

Our analysts evaluate clinical trial data, along with information regarding safety issues, coverage policies from the private and public sectors, regulatory approvals, consensus statements, and an overall projection of the potential clinical efficacy and economic impact of the technology. Reports are reviewed annually up to 5 years post publication to determine if there is new literature or evidence that would impact a change in rating and warrant an updated report.

Comparative Effectiveness Review of Lumbar Total Disc Replacement for Degenerative Disc Disease

Health Problem: It is estimated that 60% to 80% of the adult population in the United States will experience clinically significant low back pain (LBP) at some point in time. The vast majority of LBP is mechanical in nature, i.e., arising from anatomic structures of the spine. Nonspecific chronic LBP may be attributed to normal degenerative changes in the intervertebral discs …

Ultrasound Transient Elastography for Detecting Hepatic Fibrosis in Patients with Hepatitis C

Health Problem: Approximately 3.2 million people in the United States have a chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection, which puts them at risk for developing hepatic fibrosis or cirrhosis, a need for liver transplantation, and possible death due to liver failure or liver cancer. However, HCV infection is a treatable disease and effective antiviral treatments that can lead to …

Rezūm System (NxThera Inc.) for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia

Health Problem: Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is an enlargement or growth of the prostate that affects approximately 8 million men in the United States, including 30% of men older than 50 years of age and nearly 70% of men older than 70 years of age. The enlarged prostate restricts the urethra and applies pressure on the base of the bladder. This restriction of the urethr…

Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation for Treatment of Multiple Sclerosis

Health Problem: Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a potentially disabling autoimmune disease that impacts the central nervous system. MS is estimated to affect 400,000 to 1,000,000 people in the United States and 2,300,000 people worldwide.

Technology Description: During hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT), a patient undergoes a partially or fully my…