Health Problem: Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is an anxiety disorder that develops after an individual experiences or witnesses actual or threatened death or serious injury to him/herself or someone else, and reacts to the event with a feeling of fear, helplessness, and/or horror. PTSD is a disruptive disorder that is associated with decreased job performance, increased…
Health Technology Assessments
Our analysts evaluate clinical trial data, along with information regarding safety issues, coverage policies from the private and public sectors, regulatory approvals, consensus statements, and an overall projection of the potential clinical efficacy and economic impact of the technology. Reports are reviewed annually up to 5 years post publication to determine if there is new literature or evidence that would impact a change in rating and warrant an updated report.
Comparative Effectiveness Review of Platelet-Rich Plasma for Tendinopathies or Ligament Injuries of the Knee
Health Problem: Injury to the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) occurs frequently among high-intensity athletes and treatment often requires surgical intervention due to the limited intrinsic capacity of the ligament for spontaneous healing. ACL injuries occur most frequently in sports that involve sudden stops or changes in direction. Patellar tendinopathy (also known as jumpe…
Comparative Effectiveness Review of Antimicrobial Versus Conventional Sutures
Health Problem: Surgical site infections (SSIs) contribute significant morbidity, mortality, and increased costs despite institutions often employing multiple interventions designed to reduce or eliminate SSI incidence.
Technology Description: Triclosan-coated sutures were developed to prevent microbial adherence and colonization and have the same stren…
Impact of Preoperative Supervised Weight Loss Programs on Bariatric Surgery Outcomes
Health Problem: Patients eligible for bariatric surgery have excessive abdominal adipose tissue and enlarged and fatty livers. These conditions may complicate the technical performance of bariatric surgery and be associated with perioperative morbidity.
Technology Description: In this technology assessment, preoperative supervised weight loss programs a…
Comparative Effectiveness Review of Minimally Invasive Total Hip Arthroplasty
Health Problem: Damage to the hip structures may lead to hip pain and impaired hip function that may limit the ability to perform everyday activities. The most common cause of chronic hip pain and disability is damage to the articular cartilage or bones of the hip joint. While conventional total hip arthroplasty (THA) is usually successful in relieving hip pain and disability,…
Radiofrequency Nerve Ablation for Treatment of Plantar Fasciitis
Health Problem: Plantar fasciitis (PF) is inflammation of the plantar fascia, the thick connective tissue that lies between the heel bone and the base of the toes. Repetitive microtrauma leads to degeneration and inflammation of the plantar fascia, which causes chronic heel pain. PF is the most common cause of heel pain and the reason for more than 1 million patient visits per…
Dorsal Root Ganglion Stimulation for the Treatment of Complex Regional Pain Syndrome
Health Problem: Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) is characterized by ongoing evoked or spontaneous regional pain that is out of proportion to known trauma or other causative lesion and shows variable progression over time. Type I CRPS (formerly known as reflex sympathetic dystrophy [RSD]) typically occurs after an illness or injury that did not…
Comparative Effectiveness Review of Platelet-Rich Plasma for Treatment of Lateral Epicondylitis: A Review of Reviews
Health Problem: Forearm pain that arises from overuse of the wrist extensor muscles may be due to tendon damage at the lateral epicondyle, a condition known as lateral epicondylitis (LE) or tennis elbow. LE is a common condition that affects 1% to 3% of adults each year.
Technology Description: Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is blood plasma with a higher-th…
Comparative Effectiveness Review of Pyrocarbon Proximal Interphalangeal and Metacarpophalangeal Joint Implants
Health Problem: Patients with osteoarthritis (OA), rheumatoid arthritis (RA), traumatic injury, or systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) may experience dysfunction in joints of the hand and fingers, including the proximal interphalangeal (PIP) and metacarpophalangeal (MCP) joints. MCP joints are the key joints for finger function and allow for extension-flexion (straightening-ben…