Health Technology Assessments

Health Technology Assessments (HTAs) are a comprehensive systematic review and critical analysis of available evidence for A SINGLE medical technology for which there are several published clinical trials and a substantial body of evidence. This report details an entire technology class for which there are one or more indications or patient populations in use.

Our analysts evaluate clinical trial data, along with information regarding safety issues, coverage policies from the private and public sectors, regulatory approvals, consensus statements, and an overall projection of the potential clinical efficacy and economic impact of the technology. Reports are reviewed annually up to 5 years post publication to determine if there is new literature or evidence that would impact a change in rating and warrant an updated report.

Flexitouch System (Tactile Systems Technology Inc.) for Lymphedema

The lymphatic system accepts fluid from the extracellular tissue and transports it into the cirulatory system. Lymphedema develops when this process is impaired, resulting in retention of fluid and proteins with consequent swelling and hardening in the tissue.

Technology Description: The Flexitouch System is a programmable pneumatic compression device that is designed t…

Local Injection Therapy for Cervicogenic Headache and Occipital Neuralgia

Rationale: For some patients with cervicogenic headache or occipital neuralgia, conservative medical treatments, including oral analgesics and physical therapy, may be sufficient to relieve pain. However, a population of patients with refractory pain may require more invasive treatments, including injection therapy or surgical interventions.

Cognitive Rehabilitation Therapy for Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)

Rationale: Cognitive rehabilitation therapy (CRT) is a treatment approach used for patients with traumatic brain injury (TBI) that focuses on improving cognitive impairments on attention, memory and learning, affect and expression, problem solving, and executive function.

Technology Description: CRT is m…

Peripheral Nerve Ablation for Treatment of Osteoarthritic Knee Pain

Patients with osteoarthritis (OA) of the knee may experience chronic pain that is refractory to conservative treatments.

Technology Description: Peripheral nerve ablation (PNA) involves the delivery of heat to the genicular nerve, causing thermocoagulation and localized neuronal tissue destruction, with the overall goal of reducing pain and improving function.

Transcatheter Closure of Prosthetic Aortic or Mitral Paravalvular Leaks

Rationale: Medical therapy can ameliorate symptoms associated with aortic or mitral prosthetic paravalvular leaks (PVLs). However, repeat cardiac surgery is associated with increased morbidity and mortality, with added risk secondary to paravalvular tissue friability and heavy calcification. Thus, percutaneous closure of prosthetic PVLs is under inv…