Purpose of Technology:
Phototherapy is used to treat jaundice in newborns, and to prevent severe hyperbilirubinemia, and its complications. The lights in phototherapy units emit photons that alter the structure of the bilirubin molecule, which can then be excreted in bile or urine. Fiberoptic phototherapy (FPT) systems are light-emitting pads or blankets that are placed under or wrapped around an infant as an adjunct or alternative to standard phototherapy (SPT) delivered by overhead lights.
Relevant Questions:
How does FPT compare with SPT for the treatment of hyperbilirubinemia in preterm infants?
Is FPT an effective adjunct to SPT for the treatment of hyperbilirubinemia in preterm infants?
Is FPT safe in preterm infants?
Have definitive patient selection criteria been established for the use of FPT?
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