Focus of the Report: The use of precision pulse capsulotomy (PPC) with the Zepto Capsulotomy System (Mynosys Cellular Devices Inc.) for anterior capsulotomy during cataract surgery in adults.
Technology Description: The Zepto Capsulotomy System is a nonlaser, low-energy discharge system that creates precise capsulotomies. It comprises a disposable handpiece with a capsulotomy tip, a power console, and a fluid isolator.
Controversy: The size and shape of the incision in the anterior capsule is crucial for successful placement of the artificial intraocular lens (IOL). The ideal capsulotomy is round, well-centered, continuous, and overlaps the edge of the IOL. Continuous Curvilinear capsulorhexis, the current standard, is associated with a risk of anterior capsular tears, variability in capsulotomy geometry, and a steep learning curve. It is unknown how the efficacy and safety of PPC with the Zepto Capsulotomy System compares with that of continuous curvilinear capsulorhexis.
Key Questions:
Is PPC with the Zepto Capsulotomy System effective in treating cataracts?
How does PPC with the Zepto Capsulotomy System compare with alternative methods of capsulotomy?
Is PPC with the Zepto Capsulotomy System safe?
Have definitive patient selection criteria been identified for PPC with the Zepto Capsulotomy System?
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